Hello and Welcome! 

I'm Nikki, and my life has been steeped in story. From the crude comic books I made as a child, to the turbulent stories known only to my diary, to the endless nights roleplaying with my friends, and most recently, hours without measure spent studying the craft to shape my own novel and short stories for publication.

Along the way, I ran a critique club and discovered a love and a knack for seeing the beating heart of a person's story and helping them strengthen it. Watching their belief in themselves grow, along with their skills, made me genuinely happy. As humans, storytelling is in our blood, we know the structure and the beats, even if we don't know that we know it. If you've ever been dissatisfied with the ending of a book or it never quite grabbed you in those first few chapters, you've experienced this knowledge.

But knowing the basic structure of a house doesn't mean we don't all need a little help pouring the foundation or setting the windows now and again. It takes a village to write a novel, and within that village, I will be your story's crazy aunt, shouting words of encouragement and helpful tips for how to hold the bat as you take the field. 

Before I felt fully comfortable opening the doors of Phoenix Feather Edits, I completed a mentorship under the eyes of a seasoned editor. Allison Erin Wright graciously took me under her wing and helped me refine my services to a professional standard. She's amazing and offers all forms of editing. Check her out at: 'wrightediting.com

I'm also an author. I understand firsthand how our stories are like our children and will treat yours with the same love and respect that I have for my own.

You can visit my author site here: nikkidekeuster.com

I live in a small town on the shores of Lake Michigan and enjoy crunching the leaves beneath my boots on hikes with my husband and daughter.

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